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Friday, September 3, 2010

The Little Stuff

Have you noticed that sometimes it's the little stuff that makes something spectacular or maybe not spectacular but pretty darn good.  Like the cherry on top of a sunday...  The other day I was working on a layout, I started fishing through this bin I keep of different tags, buttons and other odds and ends that I saved over time.  I found a perfect tag off a pair of jeans, then I stole a couple of leaves off a display.  There was a time that I would not have thought twice about throwing out the tag, it's garbage right?  Don't worry friends your not going to see me on next weeks episode of Horders or anything like that!  However, because I'm a "scrapbooker", (oh, get it SCRAP booker) now look it's my cherry on top!  I challenge you all to take a look around you and find your "cherry on top".  I am noticing a trend with companies that are trying to incorporate this idea in their own packaging.  Like Prima and Jenni Bowlin, I find that at times their packages are pieces I can use in layouts.  Look around you and have fun!!/pages/Independence-OR/Running-With-Scissors/290364680120?ref=ts

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